Kube-OVN API Reference Based on Kube-OVN v1.12.0, we have compiled a list of CRD resources supported by Kube-OVN, listing the types and meanings of each field of CRD definition for reference.
Generic Condition Definition Property Name Type Description type String Type of status status String The value of status, in the range of True
, False
or Unknown
reason String The reason for the status change message String The specific message of the status change lastUpdateTime Time The last time the status was updated lastTransitionTime Time Time of last status type change
In each CRD definition, the Condition field in Status follows the above format, so we explain it in advance.
Subnet Definition Subnet Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources have this value as kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource will have the value Subnet
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec SubnetSpec Subnet specific configuration information status SubnetStatus Subnet status information
SubnetSpec Property Name Type Description default Bool Whether this subnet is the default subnet vpc String The vpc which the subnet belongs to, default is ovn-cluster protocol String IP protocol, the value is in the range of IPv4
, IPv6
or Dual
namespaces []String The list of namespaces bound to this subnet cidrBlock String The range of the subnet, e.g. gateway String The gateway address of the subnet, the default value is the first available address under the CIDRBlock of the subnet excludeIps []String The range of addresses under this subnet that will not be automatically assigned provider String Default value is ovn
. In the case of multiple NICs, the value is <name>.<namespace>
of the NetworkAttachmentDefinition, Kube-OVN will use this information to find the corresponding subnet resource gatewayType String The gateway type in overlay mode, either distributed
or centralized
gatewayNode String The gateway node when the gateway mode is centralized, node names can be comma-separated natOutgoing Bool Whether the outgoing traffic is NAT externalEgressGateway String The address of the external gateway. This parameter and the natOutgoing parameter cannot be set at the same time policyRoutingPriority Uint32 Policy route priority. Used to control the forwarding of traffic to the external gateway address after the subnet gateway policyRoutingTableID Uint32 The TableID of the local policy routing table, should be different for each subnet to avoid conflicts private Bool Whether the subnet is a private subnet, which denies access to addresses inside the subnet if the subnet is private allowSubnets []String If the subnet is a private subnet, the set of addresses that are allowed to access the subnet vlan String The name of vlan to which the subnet is bound vips []String The virtual-ip parameter information for virtual type lsp on the subnet logicalGateway Bool Whether to enable logical gateway disableGatewayCheck Bool Whether to skip the gateway connectivity check when creating a pod disableInterConnection Bool Whether to enable subnet interconnection across clusters enableDHCP Bool Whether to configure dhcp configuration options for lsps belong this subnet dhcpV4Options String The DHCP_Options record associated with lsp dhcpv4_options on the subnet dhcpV6Options String The DHCP_Options record associated with lsp dhcpv6_options on the subnet enableIPv6RA Bool Whether to configure the ipv6_ra_configs parameter for the lrp port of the router connected to the subnet ipv6RAConfigs String The ipv6_ra_configs parameter configuration for the lrp port of the router connected to the subnet acls []Acl The acls record associated with the logical-switch of the subnet u2oInterconnection Bool Whether to enable interconnection mode for Overlay/Underlay enableLb *Bool Whether the logical-switch of the subnet is associated with load-balancer records enableEcmp Bool Centralized subnet, whether to enable ECMP routing
Acl Property Name Type Description direction String Restrict the direction of acl, which value is from-lport
or to-lport
priority Int Acl priority, in the range 0 to 32767 match String Acl rule match expression action String The action of the rule, which value is in the range of allow-related
, allow-stateless
, allow
, drop
, reject
SubnetStatus Property Name Type Description conditions []SubnetCondition Subnet status change information, refer to the beginning of the document for the definition of Condition v4AvailableIPs Float64 Number of available IPv4 IPs v4availableIPrange String The available range of IPv4 addresses on the subnet v4UsingIPs Float64 Number of used IPv4 IPs v4usingIPrange String Used IPv4 address ranges on the subnet v6AvailableIPs Float64 Number of available IPv6 IPs v6availableIPrange String The available range of IPv6 addresses on the subnet v6UsingIPs Float64 Number of used IPv6 IPs v6usingIPrange String Used IPv6 address ranges on the subnet sctivateGateway String The currently working gateway node in centralized subnet of master-backup mode dhcpV4OptionsUUID String The DHCP_Options record identifier associated with the lsp dhcpv4_options on the subnet dhcpV6OptionsUUID String The DHCP_Options record identifier associated with the lsp dhcpv6_options on the subnet u2oInterconnectionIP String The IP address used for interconnection when Overlay/Underlay interconnection mode is enabled
IP Definition IP Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources are kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource have the value IP
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec IPSpec IP specific configuration information
IPSepc Property Name Type Description podName String Pod name which assigned with this IP namespace String The name of the namespace where the pod is bound subnet String The subnet which the ip belongs to attachSubnets []String The name of the other subnets attached to this primary IP (field deprecated) nodeName String The name of the node where the pod is bound ipAddress String IP address, in v4IP,v6IP
format for dual-stack cases v4IPAddress String IPv4 IP address v6IPAddress String IPv6 IP address attachIPs []String Other IP addresses attached to this primary IP (field is deprecated) macAddress String The Mac address of the bound pod attachMacs []String Other Mac addresses attached to this primary IP (field deprecated) containerID String The Container ID corresponding to the bound pod podType String Special workload pod, can be StatefulSet
, VirtualMachine
or empty
Underlay configuration Vlan Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all instances of this resource will be kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource will have the value Vlan
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec VlanSpec Vlan specific configuration information status VlanStatus Vlan status information
VlanSpec Property Name Type Description id Int Vlan tag number, in the range of 0~4096 provider String The name of the ProviderNetwork to which the vlan is bound
VlanStatus Property Name Type Description subnets []String The list of subnets to which the vlan is bound conditions []VlanCondition Vlan status change information, refer to the beginning of the document for the definition of Condition
ProviderNetwork Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources are kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource will have the value ProviderNetwork
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec ProviderNetworkSpec ProviderNetwork specific configuration information status ProviderNetworkStatus ProviderNetwork status information
ProviderNetworkSpec Property Name Type Description defaultInterface String The name of the NIC interface used by default for this bridge network customInterfaces []CustomInterface The special NIC configuration used by this bridge network excludeNodes []String The names of the nodes that will not be bound to this bridge network exchangeLinkName Bool Whether to exchange the bridge NIC and the corresponding OVS bridge name
CustomInterface Property Name Type Description interface String NIC interface name used for underlay nodes []String List of nodes using the custom NIC interface
ProviderNetworkStatus Property Name Type Description ready Bool Whether the current bridge network is in the ready state readyNodes []String The name of the node whose bridge network is ready notReadyNodes []String The name of the node whose bridge network is not ready vlans []String The name of the vlan to which the bridge network is bound conditions []ProviderNetworkCondition ProviderNetwork status change information, refer to the beginning of the document for the definition of Condition
Vpc Definition Vpc Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources have this value as kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource will have the value Vpc
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec VpcSpec Vpc specific configuration information status VpcStatus Vpc status information
VpcSpec Property Name Type Description namespaces []String List of namespaces bound by Vpc staticRoutes []*StaticRoute The static route information configured under Vpc policyRoutes []*PolicyRoute The policy route information configured under Vpc vpcPeerings []*VpcPeering Vpc interconnection information enableExternal Bool Whether vpc is connected to an external switch defaultSubnet String Name of the subnet that should be used by custom Vpc as the default one
StaticRoute Property Name Type Description policy String Routing policy, takes the value of policySrc
or policyDst
cidr String Routing cidr value nextHopIP String The next hop information of the route
PolicyRoute Property Name Type Description priority Int32 Priority for policy route match String Match expression for policy route action String Action for policy route, the value is in the range of allow
, drop
, reroute
nextHopIP String The next hop of the policy route, separated by commas in the case of ECMP routing
VpcPeering Property Name Type Description remoteVpc String Name of the interconnected peering vpc localConnectIP String The local ip for vpc used to connect to peer vpc
VpcStatus Property Name Type Description conditions []VpcCondition Vpc status change information, refer to the beginning of the documentation for the definition of Condition standby Bool Whether the vpc creation is complete, the subnet under the vpc needs to wait for the vpc creation to complete other proceeding default Bool Whether it is the default vpc defaultLogicalSwitch String The default subnet under vpc router String The logical-router name for the vpc tcpLoadBalancer String TCP LB information for vpc udpLoadBalancer String UDP LB information for vpc tcpSessionLoadBalancer String TCP Session Hold LB Information for Vpc udpSessionLoadBalancer String UDP session hold LB information for Vpc subnets []String List of subnets for vpc vpcPeerings []String List of peer vpcs for vpc interconnection enableExternal Bool Whether the vpc is connected to an external switch
VpcNatGateway Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources are kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource will have the value VpcNatGateway
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec VpcNatSpec Vpc gateway specific configuration information
VpcNatSpec Property Name Type Description vpc String Vpc name which the vpc gateway belongs to subnet String The name of the subnet to which the gateway pod belongs lanIp String The IP address assigned to the gateway pod selector []String Standard Kubernetes selector match information tolerations []VpcNatToleration Standard Kubernetes tolerance information
VpcNatToleration Property Name Type Description key String The key information of the taint tolerance operator String Takes the value of Exists
or Equal
value String The value information of the taint tolerance effect String The effect of the taint tolerance, takes the value of NoExecute
, NoSchedule
, or PreferNoSchedule
tolerationSeconds Int64 The amount of time the pod can continue to run on the node after the taint is added
The meaning of the above tolerance fields can be found in the official Kubernetes documentation Taint and Tolerance .
IptablesEIP Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources have this value as kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource have the value IptablesEIP
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec IptablesEipSpec IptablesEIP specific configuration information used by vpc gateway status IptablesEipStatus IptablesEIP status information used by vpc gateway
IptablesEipSpec Property Name Type Description v4ip String IptablesEIP v4 address v6ip String IptablesEIP v6 address macAddress String The assigned mac address, not actually used natGwDp String Vpc gateway name
IptablesEipStatus Property Name Type Description ready Bool Whether IptablesEIP is configured complete ip String The IP address used by IptablesEIP, currently only IPv4 addresses are supported redo String IptablesEIP crd creation or update time nat String The type of IptablesEIP, either fip
, snat
, or dnat
conditions []IptablesEIPCondition IptablesEIP status change information, refer to the beginning of the documentation for the definition of Condition
IptablesFIPRule Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources have this value as kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource have the value IptablesFIPRule
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec IptablesFIPRuleSpec The IptablesFIPRule specific configuration information used by vpc gateway status IptablesFIPRuleStatus IptablesFIPRule status information used by vpc gateway
IptablesFIPRuleSpec Property Name Type Description eip String Name of the IptablesEIP used for IptablesFIPRule internalIp String The corresponding internal IP address
IptablesFIPRuleStatus Property Name Type Description ready Bool Whether IptablesFIPRule is configured or not v4ip String The v4 IP address used by IptablesEIP v6ip String The v6 IP address used by IptablesEIP natGwDp String Vpc gateway name redo String IptablesFIPRule crd creation or update time conditions []IptablesFIPRuleCondition IptablesFIPRule status change information, refer to the beginning of the documentation for the definition of Condition
IptablesSnatRule Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources have this value as kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource have the value IptablesSnatRule
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec IptablesSnatRuleSpec The IptablesSnatRule specific configuration information used by the vpc gateway status IptablesSnatRuleStatus IptablesSnatRule status information used by vpc gateway
IptablesSnatRuleSpec Property Name Type Description eip String Name of the IptablesEIP used by IptablesSnatRule internalIp String IptablesSnatRule's corresponding internal IP address
IptablesSnatRuleStatus Property Name Type Description ready Bool Whether the configuration is complete v4ip String The v4 IP address used by IptablesSnatRule v6ip String The v6 IP address used by IptablesSnatRule natGwDp String Vpc gateway name redo String IptablesSnatRule crd creation or update time conditions []IptablesSnatRuleCondition IptablesSnatRule status change information, refer to the beginning of the documentation for the definition of Condition
IptablesDnatRule Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources have this value as kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource have the value IptablesDnatRule
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec IptablesDnatRuleSpec The IptablesDnatRule specific configuration information used by vpc gateway status IptablesDnatRuleStatus IptablesDnatRule status information used by vpc gateway
IptablesDnatRuleSpec Property Name Type Description eip Sting Name of IptablesEIP used by IptablesDnatRule externalPort Sting External port used by IptablesDnatRule protocol Sting Vpc gateway dnat protocol type internalIp Sting Internal IP address used by IptablesDnatRule internalPort Sting Internal port used by IptablesDnatRule
IptablesDnatRuleStatus Property Name Type Description ready Bool Whether the configuration is complete v4ip String The v4 IP address used by IptablesDnatRule v6ip String The v6 IP address used by IptablesDnatRule natGwDp String Vpc gateway name redo String IptablesDnatRule crd creation or update time conditions []IptablesDnatRuleCondition IptablesDnatRule Status change information, refer to the beginning of the documentation for the definition of Condition
VpcDns Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources have kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource will have the value VpcDns
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec VpcDnsSpec VpcDns specific configuration information status VpcDnsStatus VpcDns status information
VpcDnsSpec Property Name Type Description vpc String Name of the vpc where VpcDns is located subnet String The subnet name of the address assigned to the VpcDns pod
VpcDnsStatus Property Name Type Description conditions []VpcDnsCondition VpcDns status change information, refer to the beginning of the document for the definition of Condition active Bool Whether VpcDns is in use
For detailed documentation on the use of VpcDns, see Customizing VPC DNS .
SwitchLBRule Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources have this value as kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource will have the value SwitchLBRule
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec SwitchLBRuleSpec SwitchLBRule specific configuration information status SwitchLBRuleStatus SwitchLBRule status information
SwitchLBRuleSpec Property Name Type Description vip String Vip address of SwitchLBRule namespace String SwitchLBRule's namespace selector []String Standard Kubernetes selector match information sessionAffinity String Standard Kubernetes service sessionAffinity value ports []SlrPort List of SwitchLBRule ports
For detailed configuration information of SwitchLBRule, you can refer to Customizing VPC Internal Load Balancing health check .
SlrPort Property Name Type Description name String Port name port Int32 Port number targetPort Int32 Target port of SwitchLBRule protocol String Protocol type
SwitchLBRuleStatus Property Name Type Description conditions []SwitchLBRuleCondition SwitchLBRule status change information, refer to the beginning of the document for the definition of Condition ports String Port information service String Name of the service
Security Group and Vip SecurityGroup Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources are kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource will have a value of SecurityGroup
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec SecurityGroupSpec Security Group specific configuration information status SecurityGroupStatus Security group status information
SecurityGroupSpec Property Name Type Description ingressRules []*SgRule Inbound security group rules egressRules []*SgRule Outbound security group rules allowSameGroupTraffic Bool Whether lsps in the same security group can interoperate and whether traffic rules need to be updated
SgRule Property Name Type Description ipVersion String IP version number, ipv4
or ipv6
protocol String The value of icmp
, tcp
, or udp
priority Int Acl priority. The value range is 1-200, the smaller the value, the higher the priority. remoteType String The value is either address
or securityGroup
remoteAddress String The address of the other side remoteSecurityGroup String The name of security group on the other side portRangeMin Int The starting value of the port range, the minimum value is 1. portRangeMax Int The ending value of the port range, the maximum value is 65535. policy String The value is allow
or drop
SecurityGroupStatus Property Name Type Description portGroup String The name of the port-group for the security group allowSameGroupTraffic Bool Whether lsps in the same security group can interoperate, and whether the security group traffic rules need to be updated ingressMd5 String The MD5 value of the inbound security group rule egressMd5 String The MD5 value of the outbound security group rule ingressLastSyncSuccess Bool Whether the last synchronization of the inbound rule was successful egressLastSyncSuccess Bool Whether the last synchronization of the outbound rule was successful
Vip Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources are kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource will have the value Vip
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec VipSpec Vip specific configuration information status VipStatus Vip status information
VipSpec Property Name Type Description namespace String Vip's namespace subnet String Vip's subnet type String The type of Vip, either switch_lb_vip
, or empty v4ip String Vip IPv4 ip address v6ip String Vip IPv6 ip address macAddress String Vip mac address parentV4ip String Not currently in use parentV6ip String Not currently in use parentMac String Not currently in use selector []String Standard Kubernetes selector match information attachSubnets []String This field is deprecated and no longer used
VipStatus Property Name Type Description conditions []VipCondition Vip status change information, refer to the beginning of the documentation for the definition of Condition ready Bool Vip is ready or not v4ip String Vip IPv4 ip address, should be the same as the spec field v6ip String Vip IPv6 ip address, should be the same as the spec field mac String The vip mac address, which should be the same as the spec field pv4ip String Not currently used pv6ip String Not currently used pmac String Not currently used
OvnEip Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources are kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource will have the value OvnEip
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec OvnEipSpec OvnEip specific configuration information for default vpc status OvnEipStatus OvnEip status information for default vpc
OvnEipSpec Property Name Type Description externalSubnet String OvnEip's subnet name v4Ip String OvnEip IPv4 address v6Ip String OvnEip IPv6 address macAddress String OvnEip Mac address type String OvnEip use type, the value can be lrp
, lsp
or nat
OvnEipStatus Property Name Type Description conditions []OvnEipCondition OvnEip status change information, refer to the beginning of the documentation for the definition of Condition type String OvnEip use type, the value can be lrp
, lsp
or nat
nat String dnat snat fip v4Ip String The IPv4 ip address used by ovnEip v6Ip String The IPv4 ip address used by ovnEip macAddress String Mac address used by ovnEip
OvnFip Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources are kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource will have the value OvnFip
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec OvnFipSpec OvnFip specific configuration information in default vpc status OvnFipStatus OvnFip status information in default vpc
OvnFipSpec Property Name Type Description ovnEip String Name of the bound ovnEip ipType String vip crd or ip crd ("" means ip crd) ipName String The IP crd name corresponding to the bound Pod vpc String The vpc crd name corresponding to the bound Pod V4Ip String The IPv4 ip addresss corresponding to vip or the bound Pod
OvnFipStatus Property Name Type Description ready Bool OvnFip is ready or not v4Eip String Name of the ovnEip to which ovnFip is bound v4Ip String The ovnEip address currently in use vpc String The name of the vpc where ovnFip is located conditions []OvnFipCondition OvnFip status change information, refer to the beginning of the document for the definition of Condition
OvnSnatRule Property Name Type Description apiVersion String Standard Kubernetes version information field, all custom resources have kubeovn.io/v1 kind String Standard Kubernetes resource type field, all instances of this resource will have the value OvnSnatRule
metadata ObjectMeta Standard Kubernetes resource metadata information spec OvnSnatRuleSpec OvnSnatRule specific configuration information in default vpc status OvnSnatRuleStatus OvnSnatRule status information in default vpc
OvnSnatRuleSpec Property Name Type Description ovnEip String Name of the ovnEip to which ovnSnatRule is bound vpcSubnet String The name of the subnet of the vpc configured by ovnSnatRule vpc String The vpc crd name corresponding to the ovnSnatRule bound Pod ipName String The IP crd name corresponding to the ovnSnatRule bound Pod v4IpCidr String The IPv4 cidr of the vpc subnet
OvnSnatRuleStatus Property Name Type Description ready Bool OvnSnatRule is ready or not v4Eip String The ovnEip address to which ovnSnatRule is bound v4IpCidr String The cidr address used to configure snat in the logical-router vpc String The name of the vpc where ovnSnatRule is located conditions []OvnSnatRuleCondition OvnSnatRule status change information, refer to the beginning of the document for the definition of Condition
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