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Cluster Inter-Connection with Submariner

Submariner is an open source networking component that connects multiple Kubernetes cluster Pod and Service networks which can help Kube-OVN interconnect multiple clusters.

Compared to OVN-IC, Submariner can connect Kube-OVN and non-Kube-OVN cluster networks, and Submariner can provide cross-cluster capability for services. However, Submariner currently only enables the default subnets to be connected, and cannot selectively connect multiple subnets.


  • The Service CIDRs of the two clusters and the CIDR of the default Subnet cannot overlap.

Install Submariner

Download the subctl binary and deploy it to the appropriate path:

curl -Ls | bash
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
echo export PATH=\$PATH:~/.local/bin >> ~/.profile

Change kubeconfig context to the cluster that need to deploy submariner-broker:

subctl deploy-broker

In this document the default subnet CIDR for cluster0 is and the join subnet CIDR for cluster0 is, the default subnet CIDR for cluster1 is and the join subnet CIDR for cluster1 is

Switch kubeconfig to cluster0 to register the cluster to the broker, and register the gateway node:

subctl  join broker-info.subm --clusterid  cluster0 --clustercidr,  --natt=false --cable-driver vxlan --health-check=false
kubectl label nodes cluster0

Switch kubeconfig to cluster1 to register the cluster to the broker, and register the gateway node:

subctl  join broker-info.subm --clusterid  cluster1 --clustercidr,  --natt=false --cable-driver vxlan --health-check=false
kubectl label nodes cluster1

Next, you can start Pods in each of the two clusters and try to access each other using IPs.

Network communication problems can be diagnosed by using the subctl command:

subctl show all
subctl diagnose all

For more Submariner operations please read Submariner Usage.

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